The Sophisticated Corgi The Sophisticated Corgi

Sophisticated Corgi Blog

Who is "The Sophisticated Corgi" Woman?

Who is "The Sophisticated Corgi" Woman?

Who is ‘The Sophisticated Corgi’ woman?

The TSC woman is confident, elegant and enjoys understated luxuries.  She's smart, multi-dimensional and enjoys life to the fullest.  She loves her family, cherishes her friends and can look at the simplest of things and find joy. The term "sophisticated" refers to a person who possesses refined tastes, manners, and a certain level of cultural and intellectual elegance.

To me, sophistication involves a sense of style and elegance. A woman who is confident and open-minded.  She’s curious and accepting.  Self-reliant and independent. A sophisticated woman is capable of doing just about anything she puts her mind to. She carries herself with confidence and grace, regardless of the situation.

For years I have been gathering ideas and content that I think resonates with the idea of a sophisticated woman.  I thought of various names that would represent what I wanted to give from my passion for classic style and elegant elements.

The word ‘sophisticated’ always seemed to gather what I was hoping to reflect.

So, you may ask, “what about the corgi?” Well, my dears, this is the other part of my life that encapsulates all that brings me joy and happiness.

In 2006 I met a sweet, baby puppy (she was only 7 days old) who would become the greatest love of my life as a young woman. I named her ‘Buttercup’ and she was more than a dog to me.  She was my companion, my comfort and the one constant that gave me joy and happiness. SHE was my best friend and my first corgi…

Now, many years later, I have had the pleasure of owning several of these spirited dogs with big personalities. They are intelligent, exuberant and always happy.  It’s hard to be in a room with a corgi and not smile and laugh at their larger than life presence!

For this reason, I began to see these two words, ‘sophisticated’ and ‘corgi’ as something I wanted to breathe life into. 

Sophisticated - Strength, Beauty, Positivity.

Corgi - Confident, Intelligent, Happy.

I realized, after many attempts at names that didn’t feel quite right, that these two random words needed to be put together. With that, ‘The Sophisticated Corgi’ started to breathe life.  It also started to bring me a motivation to take the leap, do something that I find challenging, motivating, and fun.  I have never owned my own business.  I have been part of the corporate world for 20+ years and have been content.  But I always knew I wanted to build something.  Something that brought me happiness in creating and happiness for those who experience it.

With the deepest sincerity, I thank you for subscribing to ‘The Sophisticated Corgi’ newsletter. 

I hope I can bring you a bit of joy each week with small notes, reflections and fun tips! I also hope to inspire you at my boutique. Whether it be with a new cashmere wrap that just feels like a warm hug, or a dainty bracelet that makes you smile when you wear it, my goal is to lift you up and to think about those two little words that I hope will be the beginning of an incredible story….


Me and my dog,,Buttercup