The Sophisticated Corgi The Sophisticated Corgi

Sophisticated Corgi Blog

TSC Self Care

TSC Self Care

The Sophisticated Corgi

February 24th, 2024


How often have you thought to yourself, ‘I just wish I had a little time for me?’  We often express our desire to relax, have a massage, go for a walk or just take a nap but then our minds seem to always get flooded with the items on our ‘to-do’ lists and the daydreaming of blissful moments are gone in the blink of an eye. Well, My Dears, I challenge you to take a moment to yourself.  Not only does it feel good, but it can do wonders for your mental and physical health.  I used to think of it as a treat.  Now, I think of it for the necessity it is.

Self-care is about taking time for yourself to address personal needs.  It involves activities that can reduce stress and maintain good health.  It is not the same for every person but, rather, the philosophy of whatever works best for your own individual needs and goals.  Practicing optimal self-care promotes physical, mental and emotional well-being.

Self-care can take all kinds of forms.  Below are just a few that may garner interest as you explore what you need to care for yourself. It’s also important to point out that self-care is a priority.

  1. Physical self-care – This involves any activity that promotes physical health. Walking with a friend, or your dog.  Taking a hike at a local park, being sure you are going to all your medical appointments and screenings, taking a yoga class or making an effort to eat well are all types of physical self-care.
  1. Emotional self-care – Mindfulness became a common term during Covid. As the world found itself on lock-down, people started to embrace small activities that brought them joy.  Journaling, meditation, reading a book, spending time with loved ones and embracing how you feel can aid in your emotional self-care.
  1. Social self-care – Spending time with the people who mean the most to you, albeit family or friends and nurturing positive connections. Cultivating our feelings of love, gratitude and appreciation for others can reduce stress and enhance feelings of well-being.
  1. Mental self-care – Taking care of our mental health involves activities that stimulate the mind. Reading, learning something new, working on a puzzle, or a crossword.  It also could involve seeking a professional to help with an issue we might not be able to solve on our own.  The most important thing is to understand you are not alone.  People are vulnerable and shouldn’t be afraid to ask for help when it’s needed.
  1. Rest – Proper sleep hygiene means practicing a bedtime wind-down routine, setting a bedtime and wakeup time that is consistent every day of the week. It’s about forming healthy habits and optimizing your bedroom for sleep.
  1. Relaxation – Our worlds seem to move at a million miles an hour. I know I find myself saying, ‘there just aren’t enough hours in the day!’  Unfortunately, this pressure to be ‘on’ 24/7 isn’t healthy or sustainable.  Taking breaks, learning deep breathing exercises, or meditation are extraordinary ways to aid in stress management.  Taking a five minute break to stretch and go outside can elevate your mood and give you a new frame of mind on something that may have been agitating you.  Trust me, it works!
  1. Spiritual self-care – For anyone who finds meaning and purpose in spirituality or religion, engaging in prayer, mediation, going to church, or volunteering to help others in need can be an extremely rewarding form of self-care.


Regular self- care can contribute to better mental and physical health, improved quality of life and potentially, increased resilience to the small things that may otherwise be considered agitating.  Self-care is about putting oneself first, even if it’s for a few moments to focus on what is important to you.  I have found that deep breathing when I am feeling stressed, annoyed, or upset often helps me to feel calmer and allows me to re-evaluate the situation.

Although this newsletter is more about how to take care of you and less about clothing and style, it’s important to share how taking care of yourself in a multi-faceted approach can make you feel better on the inside.  If you feel good on the inside, then you’ll look even better on the outside! Remember, smiles are free and treat yourself to a little ‘me time’ happiness.

Happy Weekend and pick one thing this weekend that you do just for yourself!



What does my self-care routine look like?

  1. I do my best to practice good sleep hygiene (in bed by 9p, up at 6a). I start my bedtime routine around 7p by turning down the bed, washing my face and doing a very ritualized skincare routine.  I take my dogs out to play and come inside to read for an hour or so (not on my phone, as blue light can be detrimental to healthy sleep)
  2. I try to do hot yoga at least 3 times a week. I go into the studio at least 15minutes early to meditate and get used to the heat and humidity.  I find this helps my yoga practice and alleviates any residual stress from the day.
  3. I have started walking on a walking pad during some of my daily meetings. I am in 8-9 meetings a day.  Sitting just isn’t fun once you hit that third or fourth hour.  So, I decided I was going to get some movement in one way or another!  I have found this little piece of equipment to be such an asset.  I have also inspired numerous co-workers to get themselves one, too!
  4. I am a big fan of ‘little luxuries.’ I wear eye patches every night for about 15minutes.  I find it so helpful to relax and help my tired skin.  I also do a hydrating face mask at least three times a week.  If I am lucky, I will put on the eye patches and the face mask and lay down to read while I let the soothing, hydrating serums do their job. One of my favorite things – I go to get routine pedicures.  I can melt in the chair while I sit and enjoy the treat for my feet!
  5. As I get older, I find myself needing a bit more rest than ever before. For this reason, I cherish the time I spend sitting on my porch, reading a book or taking a nap.  Ever since learning about mindfulness, I feel I enjoy the natural sounds surrounding me as I rest (the bird chirping, geese flying over-head, the wind blowing and kids playing in the neighbor’s yards).  My mind enjoys the simple sounds and I feel myself relax and grateful for the tiny noises that help me to feel calm.
  6. Lastly, I enjoy great food and a nice cocktail. My husband and I will make an impromptu trip to a local venue for a shared entrée and a delicious drink.  We will sit and talk about the day, enjoy each other’s company and laugh at silly things.  I know you’re wondering, what is my drink of choice??  Well, my dears, it’s an….

Aperol Spritz!

(just remember 3-2-1!)


3 oz. Prosecco

2 oz. Aperol

1 oz. Soda Water

Mix generously in a measuring cup or tumbler, pour over ice in a beautiful glass and top with an orange garnish.  Refreshing and fun, you’ll feel like your sitting in a piazza in Florence!